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CBSE Training (Online Sessions)

Join Future Skills PRIME Social & Mobile Bridge Course Today!
OPTION 1: Course Fee = Rs. 75/- (plus GST).

For Instant Enrolment, click on the links below & sign up on the FutureSkills PRIME portal
Link: Fundamentals of Digital Marketing using Social Media Platforms

OPTION 2: Course Fee = Rs. 10/- (plus GST).

Takes 2-3 working days to generate a discount coupon which can be generated by:

  1. Filling in the information as required below
  2. Click submit to generate your discount coupon(s)
  3. Use the 18-digit promo code received at your email address to avail the discount coupon during enrolment

Note: Check spam email folder also for discount coupon email(Expect discount coupon generation within 3 working day of submission). Subject line-"A DISCOUNT COUPON FROM NASSCOM"

  1. Upon generation of the promo code I shall join the bridge course within 01 week.
  2. Upon course completion, I shall attempt the SSC-NASSCOM assessment for the certification.
  3. I give my consent to share my details for Discount coupon generation and account creation at FutureSkills Prime portal.
  4. The SSC-NASSCOM Certification/Assessment Fee is Rs. **600/- (payable after online course completion by attempting 12 quizzes).
    ** More information at